V1 Quarter FF-CMF
Invite only
Groups into Single-Elimination
- Round: Villains 1 Quarterfinals
- Match:
Flaming Fist vs
Clan Malfunction
- Date: 1999-11-10
Match report
FF: 153 - cMF: 139
Demos: eonwe (cMF)
"The first map, DM2, was Clan MalFunctions choice and they went into this match with a flawless start, taking all vital positions and racking up the frags at an alarming rate. They quickly gained a 40+ lead over their opponents, Flaming Fist, and they looked pretty unbeatable. But FF hung on and kept fighting, and clearly it paid of. FF soon got the upper hand over at high-rl and forced cMF's players back into low-rl and ra-100H. Then they grabbed quad and attacked in force, clearing all opponents from the map and taking the lead with only a brief period left of the game.
- Ego"
E1M2 (draw)
FF: 147 - cMF: 147
"Yet again, cMF got of to a good start, although not as frag-intensive as the one they pulled on dm2. They kept tabs on Ya and held their positions well throughout the game. With around five minutes left (or less) they were still in the lead with somewhat of a margin. Thats when things turned ugly and FF made their moves; swarming them and taking over control of the map. cMF lost ALL positions they had held during the battle, and at the rate that FF was fragging; they were bound to loose out to them in the final minutes. They therefore did the only thing they could reasonably do ... they hid and held out on respawn. But as the clock kept ticking, so was the frags ... steadily upwards in FF's favor. As the final seconds came to pass, FF took the equalizing frag and looked to claim just one more life and win it all in a flash ... but they didn't, so it was a draw!
E1M2 (rematch)
FF: 180 - cMF: 165
Demos: fifi (cMF) | fain (FF)
"It was an intense game as e1m2 was played out again. FF was pumped with adrenalin and confidence since the last map and got of to a nice start, taking a steadily increasing lead over cMF's slightly demoralized players (they had just seen their lead get overtaken twice when it looked as if they had it all). It wasn't going to be that easy though as cMF rallied and fought back with a vengeance, hoping to turn the tables on FF just as they themselves had done the match before. It looked promising as Amu got a quad in the last few minutes and cleaned out the upper level, supported by his trusty clanmates. But FF wasn't about to loose their homemap, they swarmed quad and ya, taking the big-Q and wreaking some havoc amongst cMF's lines. It was an all-out battle, very intense and extremely enjoyable to watch. Surely some of the most exciting games in a long time. Both clans performed excellent even though they were under considerable pressure. We all know big-games tend to play on the nerves of the competitors. So, great game FF and cMF, and good luck to FF as they advance to the semifinals to meet the winner of the CN-[E] match.
- Ego"
- Score: 2-0
- Total frags
- FF: 480
- cMF: 451