Invite only
Groups into Single-Elimination
- Round: Villains 2 - Group 1
- Match:
Clan Z vs
Hyvät, Pahat ja Rumat
- Date: 2000-02-02
Match report
Z: 127 - HPR: 124
Map pick by Clan Z.
Demos: exo (HPR)
"It was on! HPR quickly snagged the first quad as Z got the pent and held the YA area. HPR instead went to safeguard the RA. Fighting was very even but Z managed to get the next quad as positions switched, giving HPR acess to the YA/RL whilst themselves ending up at RA. With 17 minutes to go, Z was up by 8 frags and holding the Quad-area. Spetnaz grabbed the quad but HPR were still looking strong, fighting back and taking more frags. Next Quad went to HPR who still controlled the YA/RL. This allowed HPR to pull ahead as the attention turned towards the pent. HPR got the pent as well, but Z stole the next quad. HPR in the lead by 4!
Z gets another quad, tying the game at 44 frags but then pulling ahead, leading by 10 frags with 13 minutes to go. HPR keeps hanging around by the YA/RL as Z keeps to the circle/quad; bagging the next powerup as well. Things are looking good for Z as HPR suddenly takes the next quad and makes a fragrun lasting 10 kills. Z is pushed back around the YA. HPR finally managing to tie the game and take the lead in the 10:th minute. A lead by 5 frags!
HPR then gets the next load of powerups ( I think including the pent) but then one of their players, Lastu, times out ... and stays out for quite some time. Z plays agressive against a three man HPR, but HPR clings on as Seco gets the quad and holds Z back. With 8 minutes left, Lastu rejoins and HPR are up by 22 frags and has taken to the RA.
Z gets the next two quads and starts eating away on HPR's lead. With 4 minutes tp go, HPR still has 14 frags as a reserve. Now the game gets intense ... and static. HPR holds back, Z gets a quad without any kills. 2 minutes left and HPR is in the lead by 15. Z then makes their move, attacking strong on all fronts. HPR looses out and their lead is reduced to 10 frags ... they scream HIDE! and the chase is on.
With 1 minute of gametime left and 10 frags lead to HPR, Mindless of Z takes the quad. Rampage (HPR) tries to discharge some Z-players but kills himself and a teammate ... 8 frag lead. Then HPR players begin to die all over. 30 seconds ... 5 frag lead. As the last seconds tick away, so does the HPR lead and Z finally takes it ... by three frags. Spetnaz "friendly" advice ringing in HPR's ears: "Whatever you do, don't hide ;-)"." -Ego
Z: 127 - HPR: 120
Map pick by Hyvät, Pahat ja Rumat.
Demos: exo (HPR)
"After the first thriller on DM3, who thought DM2 ... the ownage level, could be any worse? Well, this is what happened:
Z spawned around tele, taking high-rl and getting the quad. HPR quickly got hold of the low-rl. Scores are even with Z still holding high-rl. Z takes the next quad and advances into low-rl with HPR instead taking hold of tele. With 18 minutes to go, Z leads by 5. HPR gets the next quad and takes some control of tele/secret/high-rl, the Z hits down on them and takes the quad. Z manages to come out on top in the battles that follow and once again claim quad. They use it to take frags at tele, bigroom and low-rl. With 15 minutes left, Z is leading by 15 frags and is holding low-rl. HPR has amassed at tele and takes the quad shortly after. HPR launches an assault on low-rl but gets flooded by Z players. HPR still manages to keep high-rl and claim another quad. They tie the scores after some fighting in low-rl. With 13 minutes to go, HPR are up by 2 frags.
The HPR makes a quad-suicide and Z gets back into the game, pulling ahead; holding tele and low-rl with HPR at high. HPR takes a quad but it is short-lived. 11 minutes left and Z leads by 11 frags. Z takes high-rl and gets the next quad. They attack HPR at low-rl but their quad is killed. Z manages to keep on to the high-rl for a few minutes, taking three consecutive quads. They are in the lead by 18 frags with 8 minutes remaining.
The HPR makes a comeback, their players getting a burst of energy (or is it stocked up Red armor?). They amazingly manages to tie the game, even though Z has quad-control. With 6 minutes left, Z is up by 2 frags and reeling. Z still takes the next quad and does damage. Then HPR lays claim to high-rl and takes quad. Z disposes of the HPR quad-bearer and with 4 minutes remaining, are in the lead by 4 frags. Z is holding low-rl and has a man at high-rl as well. They increase their lead the next minute, adding 8 frags to the book.
HPR has taken low and are getting more frags, they close the gap and finally tie the game at 110 frags. 2 minutes left and we see HPR in the lead by ONE frag! Z takes tele but manages to do a double-team-telefrag. HPR takes the last quad ... 1 minute left, HPR up by 2 frags. Then Z re-emerges and ties the game once more, with 40 seconds to go they take the lead and increase it steadily. As the seconds tick towards their end ... Z bags a few more opponents ... and it is Game Over HPR!
Fantastic game by HPR who once again prove that they are widely under-estimated. I feel that this game could have gone either way! GG to both teams, and I hope to see more exciting matches like this one!" -Ego
- Score: 2-0
- Total frags
- Z: 254
- HPR: 244