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League Information
4on4 TDM
Europe only
Invite only
Groups into Single-Elimination
Start Date:
End Date:
dm2 • dm3 • e1m2


Match report


GLX: 96 - VVV: 94
Map pick by Galaxy.

Demos: dii (GLX) | supa (GLX) | reppie (VVV)

"As far as I have seen it, all powerups at the beginning were taken by VVV. Like in their last game they weren't able to use them consequentially. The score was 'just' 5 - 4 after minute 1. Should've done more. Then I noticed the 'little' problems with the server i had. Two times I was kicked because of overflowing and also had to reboot my comp as QuakeWorld crashed while trying to connect to the server again. So I missed 5-6 minutes. 7 minutes were to play and the score was 49 - 30 to VVV. Both teams seem to have pretty equal control over the map because the leading didn't increase nor did it decrease a lot. At minute 10 the score was 60 - 40 to VVV and the difference was nearly the same than 3 minutes before. VVV's Reppie took the Pent and Isotee took Quad nearly at the same time. The VVV players were out of weapons at this point of the game but most of them having a Red Armor wearing around their body. GLX got the weapons but almost all of them were armorless. The leading of VVV melted down from this point on. It was 65 - 52 at 12 minutes being played and GLX looked like controlling a bit more now. They did more Quad runs which VVV used to do at the beginning. When 15 minutes have been passed the clock the score was 77 - 74 still to VVV. Now it was clear that the next Pent could decide a lot of winning or losing. GLX got the last game's Pent and after the Pent fade away it was 78 - 78 ! It was sure that the last minutes are going to be ending in a thriller because none of both teams seem to have a better control over the map than the other. After 17 minutes it was done, GLX took the leadership for the first time of the game again with leading by just 1 frag. They were able to increase it a very little bit..3 with 18 mins played...5 with 9 mins played. Then the final would decide the whole game. VVV got Quad when i remember correctly and the quadman killed and killed and killed..93-91 at 30 secs before end. 94 - 93 with 15 secs to be played. It still wasn't enough. Finally VVV lost 96 - 94 to GLX. A damn good game to both clans ! Want to see more of them :)" -Andy


GLX: 145 - VVV: 84
Map pick by Veni Vidi Vici.

Demos: dii (GLX) | reppie (VVV)

"Again, VVV got important spawns to do a good start (I've never seen them getting bad ones ;). The Pent was Reppie's GLX got the first Quad but their quadman was killed very quickly. After all that powerup drama at the beginning and 2 minutes played it was 13 - 11 to VVV but no team looking in favour of anything. At that time the server had a short lag for the players with PL going up to 30% at some players but it wasn't for long. With 5 minutes being passed GLX took the early lead with 25 - 21 and gaining control over the map. The second pent was GLX' so it didn't look very good for a VVV comeback. And that didn't happen. After 6 minutes it was 44 - 24 to GLX (can't believe they did so many frags in one minute either). GLX had control over the whole map...whole map ? Nope..there's a little location that still..well you know Asterix :) VVV was very strong at RA and they rarely lost control over it. And if they did they directly got it back. GLX took the 3rd Pent and the Pent-dude went into RA room and tried to clean it. Well he almost succeeded. He killed 2 or 3 players there but when Pent was over he directly felt the pain of a Rocket in his ass :) So VVV still had RA control. There happened not much anymore in that game. VVV holding RA, GLX the rest of the map. The game wasn't as exciting as the first one but still a good game by both teams and finally GLX took a 145 - 84 victory home." -Andy

Interview by Andy

I did a little chat with Dii (GLX) and asked him a few questions about the game (thx). Here's what he had to say:

andy: can you answer me a few questions for the game report ?
dii: sure
andy: thx
andy: well first game was a thrilla and close the whole game why do you think you did a lot better in second game although VVV had a super start in both games ?
dii: dunno really, can't remember much from the first round but they pretty much screwed up the start
dii: i mean with that start they could have done better
andy: yeah thought that as you. in 2nd game they got pent and your quadman killed quickly.
dii: this is probably the part where i'm supposed to say "they started great but our superior teamplay saved the day" :P
andy: yeah :)
andy: ok as far as i've heard your starts are supposed to be THE strength of GLX. do you think they saved you the day again ?
dii: not really, i think our start relies pretty heavily on getting the first pent/ya/rl :)
andy: heh and you didn't get them in both games ;)
dii: i had some luck with vvv not seemingly not knowing to got for the second rl with the pent so i got it
andy: so you had 2 rls in game and vvv none ?
dii: i don't have a clue what happened to the first
andy: ok
dii: but as said, they screwed it up a bit and we managed to turn it in our favor
andy: VVV were pretty good at saving the RA in game 2 but that wasn't that bad for you. Did your tactics include heavy RA armor saving because you often sent quadmen in to get it but mostly failed
dii: if you mean camping with saving, yes
andy: yeah meant that ;)
andy: ok thx for your time man
dii: :)
dii: np
andy: good game tonight and good luck in future
dii: yeh, thx :)


  • Score: 2-0
  • Total frags
    • GLX: 241
    • VVV: 178